Walls 101

Does the work in front of you seem impossible? Does it feel like this mission that Jesus calls us to is soo big how could one person make a dent in what needs to be done?

Sometimes I feel like living in little old Poulsbo, WA couldn’t be further from the mission of Christ, then He reminds me that He has me right where he wants me.

Reading in Nehemiah brought to light something interesting. Basically they were rebuilding a massive wall that took a long time to build the first time, now they were trying to do it while keeping watch for intruders and with less skill and resources on their side.

Seems impossible right? yeah, probably.

The great thing is, it was possible. Each person just fixed the wall outside of their house. step out your door and you’re at work. That sounds simple enough. We each just have to step out in our driveway and look around. Do you have neighbors? Do they all know Jesus? Mine don’t.

It brings it all down to a little more doable task. Just fix the wall outside your house, that’ll make a difference, and it could spread. Building wall isn’t easy, bumps and bruises may come, you might get scraped up trying to get the blocks into place but with some perseverance, the wall will go up.

I worked on a physical wall not long ago, it hurt my body working so hard, I had to buy new gloves part way through. Hard work pays off in the end, the wall was finished and it looks so good. At the same time it protects the house that it was built around too!

Are you building walls in your neighborhood or tearing them down?


It has been said before that it is golden… Do you believe that? If you do? Do you live it?

We live in such a place that silence is so hard to come by. Constant stimulation is all around us, all of the time. Even while I’m sleeping my phone is still alerting me of new emails and announcing comments on my facebook wall. I could turn my phone off, but I don’t. There could always be that emergency that someone needs me at 3am… is that a good excuse?

In my life I’ve come to a place where I want my communication to be meaningful, when I speak I want people to listen because I don’t always “cry wolf” with my speech.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to laugh and just chat with people, but I’m not in the business of attracting the attention to myself. I’ll always have my one-liners, but I find that different. I don’t want to be the person that is always talking about nothing.

I want my life to communicate more than the latest gossip, the newest fads or the blah, blah, blah…

What do you communicate with your words, your actions, your body language… your life?

The other day someone mentioned to my mom that I’m really quiet, I took it as a compliment, that means they’ll listen when I do speak. I have a voice and I use it, do you?

The story of Esther is where I’ve been reading in the Bible some this week. She was pretty ordinary, but she won the heart and ear of the King. He listened when she spoke because she didn’t always barge in on him and gab at him about the kingdom, God used her in a BIG way.

Use me Lord to communicate the right things at the right time.